Montague, Texas was under a tornado warning when I arrived shortly before 7 p.m., today, May 20. This array of windmills is owned by Custom Water Company LLC. ©2013 Robert W. Hart
Dennis Mann, left, and his wife Deborah stand outside their storm cellar with neighbor Mathew Tettleton moments after tornado warning ended on Monday May 20, 2013, in Montague, Texas. When I asked Deborah if they had gone to the cellar she laughed and said, “I did, but Dennis stayed out here to make sure his truck didn’t blow away.”
©2013 Robert W. Hart
Enroute to Montague I stopped in Bowie to photograph the downtown area. Like Montague, Bowie too was under a tornado warning. ©2013 Robert W. Hart
Mammatus clouds northwest of Fort Worth, Texas on 5/20/2013 5:27 PM.
©2013 Robert W. Hart